Msmg tool kit
Msmg tool kit

It's like this desktop/C/Programs/Users/James/MSMG toolkit. The path I rum isn't nothing out of the ordinary either. I'm in the command prompt when this happens. I then took ownership if ever folder leading to the tool box, and I'm just about there and one folder away I get denied access. I've taken ownership over the folder and that hasn't helped either. My problem is, I'm running a file that leads to where I have my toolkit installed and it'd denying me access to it.

msmg tool kit

I've been playing with this MSMG and it's a really cool program and highly recommended but you need to be careful because there really are no safeguards, your on your own here. Is anyone on here familiar with this system building app called MSMG tool kit? I'm putting together my own windows and eliminating all that bloak, namely called microsoft and all the stuff they try and tie you up in.

Msmg tool kit